Bible Study


  • To understand the importance of Jesus' intercession for believers.
  • To recognize the significance of Jesus' glorification, sanctification, and unification.
  • To apply the lessons of Jesus' intercession in daily life.

Reading and Reflections:

The reading from John 17 reminds us of the powerful intercession of Jesus for his disciples and for all believers. Jesus prayed for his own glorification, knowing that his Father would fulfill his promises. He prayed for the sanctification of his disciples, that they would be set apart for his purposes. And he prayed for their unification, that they would be united in their faith and love for him. 

As we reflect on this passage, we are reminded of the incredible privilege we have as believers to be interceded for by Jesus himself. We are assured of our salvation and eternal security because of his ongoing intercession. 

This passage also challenges us to consider how we are living out our faith. Are we growing in our likeness to Jesus? Are we dedicated to his glory above all else? Are we united with other believers in our pursuit of the gospel and the word of God?

Key Observations:

  • Jesus intercedes for believers.
  • Jesus prayed for his own glorification.
  • Jesus prayed for the sanctification of his disciples.
  • Jesus prayed for the unification of believers.
  • Believers are assured of their salvation through Jesus' intercession.

Personal Reflections:

As I read this passage, I am reminded of the incredible love and care that Jesus has for his followers. He not only sacrificed himself on the cross for our salvation, but he continues to intercede for us daily. This gives me great comfort and assurance in my faith.

I am challenged to examine my own life and see if I am truly living for the glory of Jesus. Am I growing in my likeness to him? Am I dedicated to his purposes above my own? Am I united with other believers in the pursuit of the gospel?

This passage also reminds me of the importance of prayer in my own life. Just as Jesus intercedes for us, I am called to intercede for others. I am encouraged to pray for the sanctification and unification of believers, and to pray for those who do not yet know Jesus.

Lessons for Daily Life: 

  • We can have confidence in our salvation and eternal security because of Jesus' intercession.
  • We should strive to live for the glory of Jesus and grow in our likeness to him.
  • We should seek unity with other believers in our pursuit of the gospel and the word of God.
  • We are called to intercede for others, praying for their sanctification and salvation.

Practical Applications:

  • Take time each day to thank Jesus for his ongoing intercession and to express your trust in his promises.
  • Examine your own life and identify areas where you can grow in your likeness to Jesus. Seek his guidance and strength to make changes.
  • Seek opportunities to build unity with other believers, whether through joining a small group or participating in church activities.
  • Commit to praying regularly for the sanctification and salvation of others, both believers and non-believers.

Challenges for the Week:

  • This week, challenge yourself to spend more intentional time in prayer, both thanking Jesus for his intercession and interceding for others.
  • Look for ways to actively live out your faith and bring glory to Jesus in your daily life.
  • Reach out to a fellow believer and intentionally seek to build unity and fellowship.
  • Take time to pray specifically for someone who does not yet know Jesus, asking for their salvation and transformation.

Further Study:

  • Read and study more about Jesus' high priestly intercession in the book of Hebrews.
  • Explore the concept of sanctification and its significance in the Christian life.
  • Study the importance of unity among believers in the New Testament and how it relates to the mission of the church.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank you for the incredible gift of Jesus' intercession. Help us to fully grasp the significance of his prayers for us and to live in the assurance of our salvation. Guide us in growing in our likeness to Jesus and seeking unity with other believers. Give us a heart for intercession, that we may pray for the sanctification and salvation of others. In Jesus' name, amen.

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