Calls to Action

Calls to Action: 

  • Embrace the Assurance of Salvation: As we've been reminded, our Lord Jesus Christ is our permanent high priest, interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. Let us hold fast to this assurance and let it be a source of unshakeable confidence in our daily lives. Reaffirm your trust in the promises of God and let Hebrews 7:25 be a cornerstone of your faith, knowing that He is able to save completely those who come to Him.
  • Grow in Sanctification: Jesus prayed for our sanctification, and it is our responsibility to pursue it daily. Sanctification means becoming more like Christ, setting ourselves apart for His glory. Commit to a daily reading of the Word, prayer, and living out your faith in action. Let the truth of God's Word transform you from the inside out, and dedicate every part of your life to His service.
  • Unite in the Truth of the Gospel: The unity that Jesus prayed for is founded on the truth of the Gospel and the centrality of His Word. Let us strive for unity with fellow believers on this foundation. Reject the false unity that compromises on the essentials of our faith and instead, come together with brothers and sisters who uphold the truth of salvation through Christ alone. Engage in fellowship, service, and community with those who share this common foundation.

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