Bible Study and Action Plan

"Living in the Days of Noah"


  • To recognize the parallels between our times and the days of Noah.
  • To instill a sense of urgency for personal transformation and evangelism.
  • To develop a consistent, worshipful relationship with God.

Reading and Reflection:

  • Read Genesis 6-9, Matthew 24:36-44, and 2 Peter 2:5.
  • Reflect on the character of Noah and how he stood apart from his generation.

Key Observations:

  • The society during Noah's time was morally corrupt and violent.
  • Noah was righteous because he walked with God.
  • Jesus stated that His second coming would resemble the days of Noah.

Personal Reflection:

  • Are there areas in your life that reflect the worldliness of the days of Noah?
  • How would you rate your current relationship with God on a scale of 1-10?

Lessons for Daily Lives:

  • Always be prepared for the coming of the Lord, living each day as if it were the day of His return.
  • Develop an unwavering faith like Noah.
  • Be discerning of the signs of the times.

Practical Applications:

  • Make a commitment to spend at least 15 minutes a day in prayer and reading Scripture.
  • Identify one non-believer in your life to share the Gospel with this week.

Activities with Group/Team/Family:

  • Discuss the concept of "being in the world but not of the world" and what it means in practical terms.
  • Create a "spiritual emergency kit," similar to an earthquake or hurricane emergency kit, consisting of essential Scripture verses, hymns, and prayers.

Challenges for the Week:

  • Avoid one worldly habit that you know is keeping you distant from God.
  • Take the initiative to organize a community service project to demonstrate God's love in action.

Further Study:

  • Deepen your understanding by exploring other instances in the Bible where God judged a nation or people for their sins, such as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, as we live in times reminiscent of the days of Noah, help us to be vigilant, righteous, and faithful witnesses for You. Prepare us for Your imminent return and give us the courage to share Your truth with others. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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