Calls to Action
  • Accept Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior: The sermon emphasizes that Jesus is the only way to salvation, just as the ark was the only way to salvation in Noah's time. Act now, and accept Jesus Christ to be forgiven and to secure your place in heaven.

  • Be Alert to the Signs of the Times: This generation resembles the times of Noah in its cavalier, careless, and corrupt ways. Be discerning; do not be caught off guard or dismissive of the impending return of Christ.

  • Engage in Continuous Worship: Living in times that mirror the days of Noah requires a deep commitment to God. It's not enough to merely acknowledge the possibility of Christ's return; living a life of worship is crucial.

  • Examine Your Priorities: With a focus on the self-absorption and materialism of society today, you are urged to re-evaluate your priorities. Don't be lured into the secular comforts that blinded the people during Noah's time.

  • Share the Gospel: Just as Noah preached for 120 years about the impending flood, you are commissioned to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Don't underestimate the power of witnessing; you may be the Noah of this generation.

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